The Absence of Imagination

If you asked me
to give you an answer
as to why you find yourself
in a place that is
nothing like anything
your imagination
has ever had an imagination for,

I would remind you
your greatest gift
is to find yourself
living through a moment
where the limits of your capacity
to use your imagination
are revealed.

I would remind you
your imagination is unlimited,
your capacity to make good use of
your imagination is yours.

I would remind you
this moment is for you
to see what can happen
when you do not use
your imagination wisely,
your imagination uses you.

I would remind you
nothing that isn’t yours,
that isn’t all here,
is gone forever.

When you do not
use your imagination well
you don’t lose it.
You’re just out of practice
in your using of it wisely.

Imagine something
more beautiful than even
you know you don’t have
an imagination for
because of today,
then see what happens.